Friday, January 26, 2007
Slovenian Edition

Tuesday, January 23, 2007
The Green Man
Do pop over to www.greenmanreview.com. Wait till the green masks stop winking at you, then click on "What's New" when the Main Menu shows up. There you'll read about me serving bar in the Green Man Pub. Virtual reality is wondrous and wyrd. And it's a fabulous site if you haven't visited before!
Monday, January 22, 2007
Short Story Competition

Monday, January 15, 2007
Czech Book

Sunday, January 14, 2007
The Cave at the Glen of the Downs

Billie caught her eyeing it ruefully.
"There's more in the cave. Help yourself."
She didn't need much encouragement. Dana loved nosing around in the clapboard shack where they kept their supplies.
(from The Light-Bearer's Daughter)
Now that I have finished the re-write of the book - yes, Elvis has left the building, on her final journey to the printer, wish her good fortune! - I am taking down the visual aids with which I cover my walls as I work. Here's an old photo taken with an old camera (I will buy a digital this year!) If you squint enough, you may be able to see that the man in black has a green leaf on the brim of his hat. Who is he? Hmm.
Monday, January 08, 2007
I should clarify that what I say below does not apply to the people working in the publishing houses, but rather their corporate owners who strive to bloat, discount, mass produce, and commercialise what to them is a "product" (once known as a book). Throughout my writing career, I have enjoyed working with publishing directors, editors, publicists, and sales people all of whom generally are also overworked and underpaid. With more and more books being produced at breakneck speed and everyone rushing to meet the next season's deadlines (there used to be two seasons, now there are four) and editors weighed down with more than double their old work load, it's sheer stress and madness. What used to be mission is now work. Generations have trod, have trod, have trod; And all is seared with trade; bleared, smeared with toil. (Gerard Manley Hopkins)
Sunday, January 07, 2007
The Nightmare of Publishing
Publishing has undergone a sea change since 1983 when my first book came out; and the waters are murky and polluted. All of the medium and big houses are now owned by giant corporations. With unceasing effort, they continue to come up with new ways to screw the writer out of what is already the smallest piece of the profit pie: deep discounting, special sales, dotcom sales, and now small reprints at half the royalty rate. It just doesn't stop. Writers' unions and associations appear to be powerless against this trend. Except for the blockbuster authors, the days of the full-time writer are at an end. Writing is a heart-breaking profession in which one is ground underfoot by the hobnailed boots of a heartless industry. Will they kill the golden goose? (PS Had to get that off my chest.)
Thursday, January 04, 2007
The Book of Dreams
With the final proofs of The Light-Bearer's Daughter completed (hurrah), I am about to enter the last phase of the massive re-writes of The Chronicles of Faerie. Yes, it's time to face The Book of Dreams. This re-write will not be as intensive as the others since this book was always the best-written of the four. Indeed it was the reason why I wanted to go back and improve the other three, i.e. bring them up to scratch. It's also, quite frankly, too goddam big to thoroughly re-work! I intend to tweak (already done for the version that appears in The Golden Book of Faerie) and there will be some changes in Gwen, Laurel, and Dana whom I developed more deeply in their respective books. But first, however, I need to rest up and recover from that dreadful Christmas flu I picked up in Espana!
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