At last I can make my announcement! The delay was due to contract negotiations. I just don't believe in claiming things until the official paperwork is done and dusted. So here is a draft of the cover of my new book, best described as an adult fairy tale but I would also use the term "mystic fiction." I LOVE the cover design. A question has been added just above the stones (that's the Callanish megalith in the Outer Hebrides):
WOULD YOU GO IF YOU WERE CALLED? My new publishers are Hay House UK (of the Louise Hay empire)and I love them to bits. See my blog post below with pic of yummy lunch. They have entirely renewed my faith in the publishing industry though I suspect they are the exception to the rule. The book will be out in November of this year, just before Christmas! Print and e-book will both be available in the UK, Eire, USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand (I think that's everybody). Did I mention phone calls from Hollywood? No, I didn't. But there have been and, as with the announcement of the book, I will hold my fire until locked and loaded. (Hmm, military flavour to both posts today.)