Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Sa DingDing

Posted this a long while back, but it's worth showing again! Also she is mentioned in my new book People of the Great Journey, i.e. my young Tibetan character wears a T-shirt with her image and name on it! Saw her live a few years ago in the Pavilion Theatre, Dun Laoghaire, for the now defunct World Culture Festival (killed by its own success and riotous after-hour scenes). Sa Dingding sings in Chinese, Mongolian, Tibetan, Sanskrit and what appears to be her own shamanic language. A brilliant artist.

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

People of the Great Journey

Hmm, here's a youtube ad for my new book that I just found. Check out the creepy automatic voice!!! Also I think you can get the e-book super cheap on itunes at the moment for an early promotional deal. It's all out of my hands but I'm very impressed with what my publishers Hay House UK are doing. I've got interviews in magazines and on radio coming up, plus a massive press release and review copy circulation.  

Friday, October 04, 2013


While the official pub date is November 3, I can see from the Hay House UK website that my new book PEOPLE OF THE GREAT JOURNEY is now available in print and e! Here's the link: http://www.hayhouse.co.uk/books/1781802076/people-of-the-great-journey. And don't ask me why Blogger doesn't link anymore but it apparently doesn't so here is the Hay House website to make things easier: www.hayhouse.co.uk and just search for the title or author. Now let's be clear. This is an adult novel - there is a chapter called "Sex and Chocolate" - but it is, like most of my work, a fable nonetheless and yes, there be fairies. Well, a mad Irish púca to be exact. Oh, warning, there are some parts that are fairly harrowing but what can I say, it's about life, the universe and everything and that means there are inevitably dark things in it. Hope you enjoy it!