Just back from Dunderry Park and the IATP (Irish Association of Transpersonal Psychology) Symposium. Another bit of bliss as it was both research and enjoyment. We started the weekend with a drumming journey, followed by a talk on the Transpersonal Vision, then a viewing of the film
Zeitgeist. I recommend the latter - it's free on google - and though there is a lot wrong with it (inaccuracies, paranoia) it's thought-provoking and eye-opening, also rather terrifying. Second day was yoga, talks on Eco-Psychology, Addiction and the Transpersonal Vision, and Sacred Geometry (the latter by Michael Rice, mad genius visionary). Then trance dancing till all hours of the night. Sunday was down to business, the AGM of the IATP. I signed up as an associate member. Have a look at them:
www.iatp.ie. Then it was lunch, a quick trip to Tara, and home. Today Finn and I head off to Sligo to her Dad's fort for a few days. And when I get back: IT'S TIME TO WRITE. Oh, and this pic is me and Shadow, the big wolf-dog at Dunderry.