Off on Monday for a 2 week residency in a Franciscan Friary near Multyfarnham, Co. Westmeath. It is also near Lough Derravaragh, the place the children of Lir finally ended their exile as swans (cursed by their wicked stepmother) thanks to the bell rung by St Mochoneog. Fairy tale country and monastic life, ideal conditions for tackling a vital draft of my new adult book which I would describe as a work of spiritual fiction. I have no idea what the Friary will be like, but I read somewhere that it has a beautiful secluded garden with life-size statues of the Stations of the Cross. Will take pics when I am there. I'm really looking forward to this, not only because I will get to concentrate on my book without distractions, but also because I will meet new people, get cooked for (wa-hoo), and have interesting chats over meals and whatnot. It's not easy being an extravert in an introverted profession. (Sigh.) Photo credit:
1 comment:
it sounds amazing. I hope you have a productive, enjoyable, restful trip :)
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