Saturday, December 30, 2006
Back to Work!
Yes, that awful time has come after holidays and merriment and mad travelling around Spain. Another deadline! I have exactly three days to review the final galleys and the map for The Light-Bearer's Daughter. But first, a good night's sleep.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Saturday, December 09, 2006
Galleys Galore
No time for posting. No time for nothin'! Working day and night on the proofs of the new version of The Light-Bearer's Daughter. I think it's good. The best of the three so far. Now must get back to it. Fedex pick-up on Monday. And then I get to notice that Christmas is coming!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Drowning in Paper
As I wade through mountains of same on my desk. The galley proofs of The Light-Bearer's Daughter (revised edition) are heading this way. Must clear the deck! But first I am off to a big fort in County Sligo for a weekend of fun and dancing till dawn. Check out this amazing place at
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Cybils Awards
Here's something every teacher, librarian, writer, reader, blogger, and blurker should know about: These are awards set up by the growing world of Kidslit websites and blogspots. I'm delighted to see that The Summer King got a nomination in the Sci Fi and Fantasy section and from none other than Sheila Ruth of, one of the biggest and most amazing of the aforementioned sites. Sheila and her son, David, interviewed me when I visited Baltimore on my US tour in the summer. You can check out the interview in her blog's July 2006 archives. But do peruse the full site. It's 'fair teeming' with great stuff (as Tolkien would say).
Friday, November 24, 2006
The Meeting Place
Have completed three great gigs in Toronto.
First, a Toronto Children's Roundtable event which took place at the Canadian Children's Book Centre on Monday evening. Good crowd, very receptive, lots of questions. There was a Children's Literature class from the University of Toronto who were ready to chat. We came up with a hilarious term for people who like to lurk around blogs but not make comments -- blurkers. And did some true bloggers show up who were too shy to say hi?!
Then I did a bookstore visit to Coles in the Royal Bank Plaza. They had a table of books and a tray of cookies. Thanks to Lori and Greg for looking after me.
My final event took place last night, for the Celtic Society at St Mike's, U of T. Wonderful crowd again. Two readers came all the way from Brampton by bus! Author/illustrator Martin Springett played the suite of music he has composed inspired by The Chronicles of Faerie, accompanied by his two beautiful daughters, Miriam and Rebecca, on silver flutes. That was really something, and what an honour. Martin and I chatted about our work, books were sold and signed, and we ended with questions. Thanks to Professor Anne Dooley of the Celtic Studies Department and Deb Scorsone who organised everything and Erin who looked after the bookstore. Bhí sé go h-íontach!
First, a Toronto Children's Roundtable event which took place at the Canadian Children's Book Centre on Monday evening. Good crowd, very receptive, lots of questions. There was a Children's Literature class from the University of Toronto who were ready to chat. We came up with a hilarious term for people who like to lurk around blogs but not make comments -- blurkers. And did some true bloggers show up who were too shy to say hi?!
Then I did a bookstore visit to Coles in the Royal Bank Plaza. They had a table of books and a tray of cookies. Thanks to Lori and Greg for looking after me.
My final event took place last night, for the Celtic Society at St Mike's, U of T. Wonderful crowd again. Two readers came all the way from Brampton by bus! Author/illustrator Martin Springett played the suite of music he has composed inspired by The Chronicles of Faerie, accompanied by his two beautiful daughters, Miriam and Rebecca, on silver flutes. That was really something, and what an honour. Martin and I chatted about our work, books were sold and signed, and we ended with questions. Thanks to Professor Anne Dooley of the Celtic Studies Department and Deb Scorsone who organised everything and Erin who looked after the bookstore. Bhí sé go h-íontach!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Ah, Canada!
So far, so amazing. It took forever to arrive given that I was over-cautious on my booking of the airplane between New York and Toronto. I was an insane amount of time hanging around in La Guardia (but I flew in to JFK on Aer Lingus, my favourite airline, though the food is suddenly dreadful). Anyhoo, finally got to TO and stayed with a dear friend on Brunswick Avenue before heading off to Cobourg Library via VIA Rail for my first gig. Great chatting to over 100 kids in a beautiful spacious library (pic to follow). Met local authors Shane Peacock and Richard Scrimger. Then headed off to Montreal where I am now luxuriating in the belle hotel Delta near Magill University. Speaking there tonight to student teachers in the Faculty of Education and any members of the public who wish to attend. What a city. Wandered the streets last night with a dear friend and was dazzled by the fairy lights, the friendliness of folk, and the general atmosphere of joie de vivre. Je retournerai.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Une Librairie de Plus
Magnifique! On Saturday, November 18, there will be a flying visit to Babar en Ville (where the legendary Double Hook Book Shop used to be) from 10:00 a.m.-10:45 a.m. just before I head back to Toronto. The address is 1235A Greene Avenue and the telephone number is 514-931-5811. See you there ... if not over here ... or in that other spot.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Montreal Bookstore Visit
Tout va bien! We've got a Montreal bookstore visit.
Friday, November 17, 4:00-5:00 p.m.
Librairie Paragraphe Bookstore
2220 McGill College Avenue
Telephone: 514-845-5811.
Friday, November 17, 4:00-5:00 p.m.
Librairie Paragraphe Bookstore
2220 McGill College Avenue
Telephone: 514-845-5811.
Canada 2006
See schedule below for time changes on the McGill talks and contact information. Guests are definitely welcome. Alas, the bookstore visits may or may not happen. Apologies for the last-minute business but my publishers were supposed to arrange this months ago and didn't. (Sigh of annoyance.) I'm hoping for a Saturday flying visit to Babars and will announce that immediately if and when confirmed. No word from Paragraphe yet. If all else fails, ring both bookstores next week and ask if it is happening! What can I say. This trip is unfolding on a wing and a prayer ...
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Charles de Lint
Hey all you fellow Charles de Lint fans, Green Man has done a special edition on our favourite Canadian. Have a look at: Needless to say, I've put my own two cents worth in along with many others!
Friday, November 03, 2006
Canada 2006
Here's the schedule to date. Will add details of contacts as they come in, but this is a start. Don't be shy. Come say hi!
Nov 12, Sun: arrive Toronto
Nov 14, Tues: talk at Cobourg Library, 1:00 pm. All welcome.
Nov 15, Wed: possible visit to Alonquin Tea Co,
Nov 16, Thurs: talk at McGill, Montreal, 5:30-7:15 pm, Room 627, Faculty of Education
Nov 17, Fri: talk at McGill, Montreal, 12:30-1:45 pm, Room 613, Faculty of Education
Note: McGill Faculty of Education is at 3700 McTavish Street.**Visitors welcome, but please confirm with Dr Ann Beer at 514-398-5135.**
Bookstore visit to be announced.
Nov 20, Mon: talk at Toronto Public Library Roundtable. All welcome. For information see
Nov 23, Thurs: 12:30-1:30 pm, bookstore visit, Coles Royal Bank Plaza, Toronto. Contact: 416-865-0090.
Nov 23, Thurs: 7:30 pm There Be Faerie and Dragons: An evening of readings, chat, and music with OR Melling and Martin Springett, U of T Celtic Society, Senior Common Room, Brennan Hall, StMichael's College, University of Toronto. All welcome.
Nov 12, Sun: arrive Toronto
Nov 14, Tues: talk at Cobourg Library, 1:00 pm. All welcome.
Nov 15, Wed: possible visit to Alonquin Tea Co,
Nov 16, Thurs: talk at McGill, Montreal, 5:30-7:15 pm, Room 627, Faculty of Education
Nov 17, Fri: talk at McGill, Montreal, 12:30-1:45 pm, Room 613, Faculty of Education
Note: McGill Faculty of Education is at 3700 McTavish Street.**Visitors welcome, but please confirm with Dr Ann Beer at 514-398-5135.**
Bookstore visit to be announced.
Nov 20, Mon: talk at Toronto Public Library Roundtable. All welcome. For information see
Nov 23, Thurs: 12:30-1:30 pm, bookstore visit, Coles Royal Bank Plaza, Toronto. Contact: 416-865-0090.
Nov 23, Thurs: 7:30 pm There Be Faerie and Dragons: An evening of readings, chat, and music with OR Melling and Martin Springett, U of T Celtic Society, Senior Common Room, Brennan Hall, StMichael's College, University of Toronto. All welcome.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Oíche Shamhna

The morn is Hallowday,
Then win me, win me, an ye will
For weel I wat ye may. (Tam Lin)
Yes, this is one of those nights when the two worlds cross, and if someone you know has been lost to Faerie, you can go and rescue them. Faerie was also the Land of the Dead for the pre-Christian Irish. Didn't you know it was the Celts who invented Hallowe'en? It is also the Celtic New Year's Eve. We begin our year in the dark and things can only get better. The climactic scene in The Book of Dreams occurs, of course, on Hallowe'en and ends up, appropriately enough, in a graveyard.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Irish Flautist

Sunday, October 22, 2006
Who is OR Melling?
Asks Locus Magazine in the Blinks section on the left-hand side of the front page of their online magazine which offers "News, Reviews, Resources, and Perspectives of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror". Their answer to that question is a link to the Green Man Review mentioned below which now contains a link to the webcast interview with the Tiger Eye Reading Room also mentioned below. So that's the power of three!
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Tiger Eye Reading Room
Here's a link to an interview I did at the American Library Association Convention in New Orleans in June of this year. The interviewer was Prof Charley Seavey of the University of Missouri-Columbia, and we obviously had a great laugh doing it. It's always good to meet someone of like mind as you can just gab away together without trying to sort out the differences. Well, we do disagree on a Harry Potter item, but we didn't come to blows. It's a half-hour long, so be warned.
If you can't access it, let them know. There's a place to click for that.
If you can't access it, let them know. There's a place to click for that.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
The Green Man
Keep meaning to blog this amazing mythical and magical site: Wait till you see the two leafy heads with the moving eyes. It is quite obviously "a labour of love to comfort noble hearts" (Gottfried von Strassburg, 13th c. author of Tristan), run and staffed by all sorts of eccentric odd sods and bods. i.e. my kind of people. Do have a look. They have recently reviewed The Hunter's Moon and The Summer King (see 'What's New') and there's a great piece on Ray Bradbury's latest chapbooks (I wish ...). I'm reading that dear man's Zen in the Art of Writing at the moment, along with Charles de Lint's Widdershins. I adore both these writers. Oh and I am NEARLY finished the final edit. A quick read-over tomorrow and it will be done. And guess what. It is 47 chapters!!!
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Work Space

Friday, October 13, 2006
Mythic Passages
Meant to blog the September issue of the online magazine of the Mythic Imagination Institute which hosted that brilliant conference I went to in Atlanta earlier this year. Go to and click on Magazine and then click on Archived Editions. You'll see September first. Click on that and then click on The Life of Merlin. You'll see fabulous pics of the stage, John and Caitlin Matthews whose work it is (based on Geoffrey of Monmouth), Faerie art by Brian Froud up on the screen, and then the rest of us who participated in the performance. As Gwendolena, I also wrote a 'poem' (and I use the term loosely) for that issue but it seems to have disappeared. Will blog it separately after this. While you are there, do go back and look at the October issue - great stuff! - and sign up for the newsletter.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Irish Children's Book Festival
Forgot to mention I am doing a few gigs for Children's Book Festival (while madly trying to finish the final edit of The Light-Bearer's Daughter). I really enjoy getting out to libraries and bookstores and meeting readers of all ages. Today I was at Hughes & Hughes Junior in the Stephens Green Shopping Centre in Dublin. Had two classes -- 5th and 6th years -- most of them taller than me! Great listeners and lots of questions. Ciara and Katrina were the organisers and they had chocolate for everyone, hurrah. Wednesday I am visiting libraries in Dunshaughlin (small town near Tara, mentioned in The Hunter's Moon) at 11:00 a.m. and Dunboyne at 1:00 p.m. Then Friday, I am giving a talk at Hughes & Hughes new flagship store in Dun Laoghaire at 11:00 a.m. So if you are in the area, drop by and say hello!
Friday, October 06, 2006
Fantasy Folk

Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Narnian Dreams

Old Magic
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
The Duchess Again

Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Irish Influences
I swear to God, only in Ireland do you have moss growing around the window trim of your car and spiders camping out on your side view mirrors, with bits of leaves and everything. My niece, Tara, has a little flower thriving at the edge of her passenger window. Needless to say, that’s where I got the idea for the foxgloves (a fairy plant) growing from the ashtray of the leprechaun’s Triumph Herald in The Hunter’s Moon.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Scarr Mountain

On the trail
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Irish Dance Magazine

Sunday, September 17, 2006
Jousting With Jesters

Quintessential Queenliness
More of Martin's Magic

Saturday, September 09, 2006
Artwork for the Third Chronicle

Sunday, September 03, 2006
The Duchess

Friday, September 01, 2006
Irish Tatler

Monday, August 28, 2006
Turned out to be five last chapters, as two scenes could not possibly go together, so I split up a chapter and made a sandwich. All in all that's forty-five (45) chapters and the entire book is now with my editor. Great news. She started on the first batch I sent her and said, "gorgeous" and "I feel I am in the presence of an ancient storyteller". Well, it doesn't get better than that. So I am happy happy and celebrating (see Blog for details).
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Nearly There
Yes, my editor now has forty (40) chapters and I am working on the last four (4). So the book has gone from an original 26 chapters plus epilogue to a full 44 chapters. That's some rewrite. Meanwhile, I tried to post the link that will bring you to this blog in Japanese on Yahoo, but no luck. It threw out all the graphics. Will ask my webmaster about it. But it is quite amazing to see. Who does the translation? It looks wonderful. And now there will be a post in Japanese about me writing about the blog in Japanese. A blog is a blog is a blog. Actually, my books sell better in Japan than they do in Ireland. (Typical, eh?) Hello to my Japanese readers! I hope to visit in 2007 when The Book of Dreams comes out in two volumes! More about that anon!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Nearly Dead Author
Today was the deadline for sending the ms of The Light-Bearer's Daughter. Did I make it? Well ... I sent 23 beautiful, tightly-finished chapters. There are 21 more to go. I have completed another 13 which just need a quick once-over and off they go too. And Chapter 36 is just about done. And then there are 8 left to be re-written. Fingernails worn to the bone, brain like gloop, crawling and gasping toward the finish line; books are completed in their own time. I'd be upset if I wasn't so happy with how it's turning out. And that is the bottom line. If it's turning out well - and it is! - a little bit of lateness is not a big prob. Must collapse into bed. More work tomorrow. There is nothing else but the work right now. The personal life is dead in Russia. (Favourite line from Dr Zhivago.)
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Magical Landscapes
Even though I write fantastical fiction, the beautiful places I describe are real and not imaginary. As the new edition of The Summer King makes its way into America, the UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand, I thought I would post some photos of Achill Island, the main setting for the book. I have travelled to Achill often, as I love that magical island, but I made two specific research trips when re-writing the book. See below for the pics. And thank you to my fellow hiker and eldest sister, Pat, who took the photos. By great good fortune she is a gifted visual artist (like many of my sisters) as well as great company.
On the Ridge of Croaghaun

Cliffs of Croaghaun

This is facing north from Achill Island, overlooking Blacksod Bay. I imagined Laheen's nest inside this rockface, but further up the precipice, facing the Atlantic Ocean (inaccessible and unseeable unless you get out in a boat). You can see how high up we are if you look in the distance. That flat pancake out there is a large island!
Laheen's Domain

Keel Dunes


Sunday, August 06, 2006
The Best Yet!
Little time for blogging as I am in sight of the finishing line for this penultimate draft of The Light-Bearer's Daughter. There will inevitably be one more full re-write once my fearless editor gets her hands on it. She is truly brilliant, Susan van Metre at Abrams. And then of course I will be tweaking it right up until they wrest it from my fingers and take it to the printer. But if I do say so myself, I think, yes, this third book is even better than the first two. Very complex plot and some really fabulous stuff. I keep thinking, "Who is writing this?!" Now back to work ...
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Moon Music

Saturday, July 22, 2006
That means 'listen' (or 'listen up' as we used to say in the Navy) and there should be an accent on the e like this - éist - but my PC won't do it on capitals. ANYHOO, I want to talk about music. I love the way Charles de Lint always names the music he listens to when he is writing (though I have never heard of any of the groups he mentions). All through the writing of The Summer King, I wore out Howard Shore's Lord of the Rings Suite. I love Howard Shore. (He's Canadian. It is the duty of Canadians to know when someone is Canadian and to let everyone else know.) For The Light-Bearer's Daughter, I appear to have gone completely Gaeilge, playing non-stop Eist [songs in their native language] with a variety of artists including the likes of Kate Bush (singing Mná na hEireann and doing a great job) growly-voiced Van Morrison, and Altan; Eist Arís (listen up again) including Capercaille, Clannad, The Chieftains - and Paul Brady breaking my heart with Bruach Loch Pontchartrain (ah, New Orleans); Ailleacht (beauty) by Pádraigín ní Uallacháin. I am hoping to get permission to use a song from the latter in the book.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Working Away!
I'm very excited and thrilled with how the new version of The Light-Bearer's Daughter is coming along. After all that gasp and struggle at the initial stage, when I picked it apart and wasn't sure I could put it back together again. Oh, like The Summer King, it will be a hundred times better! And I've realised what book is the bright shadow behind it, the book that is its soul: Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles, which originally inspired the boggles' golden eyes. Now I've re-read it for the first time since I sat down in the great library in San Francisco (in my bare feet) so many years ago and spent the day reading it. What a beautiful lyrical poetic writer! What a classic! First published in 1951. Well, in re-reading it I have been further inspired by it. Most of all, the meeting between the mortal and the fairy queen will reflect that incredible meeting between the Martian and the Earthling.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Author in the Wild

Tuesday, July 11, 2006
An Réilt

They were halfway up the mountain and in sight of the gray crag, the King's Cave, when they came upon a massive quartz boulder she remembered from the guidebooks. An Réilt, the islanders called it, the Star. (The Summer King, revised edition, 2006.)
Yep, that's me on Slievemore, "the Great Mountain" on Achill Island. Readers ask me are the places in my books real. Yes! My sister, Pat, fellow hiker took the photo. Higher up, fierce winds nearly blew us off the mountain. My woolly hat with red and green Mayo colours got blown into the Atlantic Ocean. It's well my head wasn't in it!
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
A Book's Soul
Here's something I've been saying when I give talks on my tour and it is true. There's usually a book behind the books I write, like a bright shadow or a soul. The book, well really the play, behind The Hunter's Moon is Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. Like his work, my book is a mostly-happy fairy romp where all the lovers wind up together at the end. The book behind The Summer King is actually mentioned in my book -- Ian carries it in his knapsack -- Wuthering Heights, one of the few books I like to re-read. Darker, dealing with death and love, Emily Bronte's book has a hero who is also its villain (sound familiar?) And if you look at the accent of Sandy, the English hippie, you will see it is the same accent as the servant in Wuthering Heights. Ah, these little things that keep a writer inspired and happy while she is working.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Stay tuned
Sorry, I've been neglecting this blog while on tour. Everything is going in the tour journal on my website (click on the butterfly) and then a few bits and bobs on the personal blog. Good news: all the bookstores say I am selling well, my readers are wonderful, and the tour is going great. When I get back to Ireland I will be posting pics of my research for The Summer King on this blog e.g. gorgeous pics on top of the mountains of Croaghaun and Slievemore on Achill Island.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Tour Schedule

So here's the cover of the new and utterly revised edition of The Summer King. It is done in shiny metallic inks and that blue has to be seen to be believed. Exquisite. Weird spooky thing: the girl in the picture looks like me when I was young and I even had a dress like that. But the cover artist couldn't have known. Meanwhile, my webmaster has set up a special page showing my tour schedule with a map (thanks, Piers!). You can access it by clicking here: I'm almost ready. Who knows, I might get the chance to blog when on tour.
Saturday, May 27, 2006

My publicist at Abrams sent me this great news. I can't show the list as it would be unreadable, but here are the books in alphabetical order: Hilari Bell's Rise of a Hero, Joseph Delaney's Revenge of the Witch, Kate Di Camillo's The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, Cornelia Funke's Inkspell, Elizabeth Knox's Dreamhunter, OR Melling's The Hunter's Moon (yippee), Stephenie Meyer's Twilight, Philip Pullman's The Scarecrow and His Servant, JK Rowling's Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and Jonathan Stroud's Ptolemy's Gate. What a thrill to be in such company. The list was compiled by the American Library Association.
Friday, May 19, 2006
It's Raining Books!

It was a great week. Two new editions of my books arrived at the door. Here’s a pic of the Slovenian edition of The Hunter’s Moon published by Mis (there should be a squiggle on that s.) Today, the new and revised edition of The Summer King – published by Henry Abrams Inc in the USA and UK/Eire/Australia/New Zealand – landed on the step. Utterly exquisite! Will blog the pic shortly. The shimmering blue of the cover is the colour of a Faerie King’s eyes! Meanwhile, I am preparing notes for my panel with Herbie Brennan of Faerie Wars, which takes place tomorrow at Belvedere College, Dublin at 12:00 p.m. (Booksigning at 5:00 p.m.) Our moderator is the wonderful Irish-language poet and writer, Gabriel Rosenstock. Hope to see you there!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Book Display

Here's an image of the bookstore display for the two books of The Chronicles of Faerie available at present in the US, UK, and Eire/Australia/New Zealand. Just this month, The Hunter's Moon is out in paperback (after hardcover last year) and The Summer King is newly out in hardback. Abrams NY is a real arty, classy kind of publisher which explains the lovely design of display and covers.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Teen Sites
Hurrah, my dear friend and fantastic (in every way) writer Kate Thompson has finally set up her own site at She is the amazing award-winning author of the Switchers series, the Origins series (my favourite), and many other books including The New Policeman which has won gazillions of UK prizes. And what a sweetie, she has linked to my website. I really must get my links page together and do the same. And here's another site to check out, dedicated to teen readers
Saturday, May 13, 2006
American Tour
Here are details of the first half of my US reading tour. Events are still being scheduled and the second half of the tour is not yet confirmed, so I will post more information as it comes in. If I am in your area, do come around and say hi. I am really looking forward to meeting readers.
June 4 ------ Flight from Ireland to New York City.
June 5 ------ two bookstores to be confirmed.
June 6 ------ 10:00 a.m. Brooklyn Public Library:
and 5:00 a.m. Books of Wonder
June 7-11 ----Mythic Journeys Conference in Atlanta
June 12 ----- Baltimore - 4:00 p.m. Children’s Book Store
June 13 ----- Booksigning at Politics and Prose, Washington DC and
Jabberwocky (in Virginia)
June 14 ----- flight to Chicago and booksigning at Bookstall and
booksigning at Magic Tree
June 15 ----- still in Chicago, event at Anderson’s Books
June 16 ----- Seattle, event at Secret Garden and
Event at All for Kids
June 17 ------flight to San Francisco
Wow, exciting, eh? And there's more to come!
June 4 ------ Flight from Ireland to New York City.
June 5 ------ two bookstores to be confirmed.
June 6 ------ 10:00 a.m. Brooklyn Public Library:
and 5:00 a.m. Books of Wonder
June 7-11 ----Mythic Journeys Conference in Atlanta
June 12 ----- Baltimore - 4:00 p.m. Children’s Book Store
June 13 ----- Booksigning at Politics and Prose, Washington DC and
Jabberwocky (in Virginia)
June 14 ----- flight to Chicago and booksigning at Bookstall and
booksigning at Magic Tree
June 15 ----- still in Chicago, event at Anderson’s Books
June 16 ----- Seattle, event at Secret Garden and
Event at All for Kids
June 17 ------flight to San Francisco
Wow, exciting, eh? And there's more to come!
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Pema and the Yak

Here's a pic of my friend Siofra O'Donovan's new book coming out soon with Pilgrim Books based in Varanasi, India. I read an early version of the manuscript and loved it, so can't wait to read the final edition. It's everything the armchair traveller with spiritual leanings could hope to read about Tibet in exile. The cover was painted by the author herself. She's in India at the moment, lucky thing. Here's the publisher's site (they do gorgeous books):
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Spring Podcast
The second podcast I did for Mythic Journeys is now up on the web. See I am blathering away about leprechauns, St Patrick, saving Tara, and other green stuff. The interview ends with a toe-tapping song from the Three Weird Sisters about fairies dancing in Tennessee.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
A Door Opens
After months of note-taking, research, fiddling, and foostering, I was climbing into bed the other night and the first sentence of the new version of The Light-Bearer's Daughter wound through my mind. Now it is coming thick and fast. Today, walking down the town to get large sheets of paper to chart the storylines, I had entire conversations, important tweaks, and lyrical phrases jostling for memory space. No pen or notebook on hand to record! Had to simply remember that I had four things to fix when I got home. So now it is looking like I will make my May end deadline. Truth is ... these revisions are killing me. I have never worked at this pace before. My poor brain. And, really, give me another ten years and they might be as good as the vision I hold of them. But it's just not possible. Perfection doesn't exist in this realm (though it surely does in others) and one simply has to accept that a book ... and a series ... will be as good as it can be and then let it go.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Me Oul Flower

Friday, April 14, 2006
First Reviews
Hurrah - two favourable early reviews for the new edition of The Summer King due out next month in the USA and UK. One appears in the fine literary journal, Kirkus. The other is my favourite. ALA's Booklist says "magnificently detailed magic" and "moves breathlessly between ever enfolding worlds—mortal and immortal, primordial and modern."Also, "readers will be easily caught by the continuous, heart-pounding suspense; the twists and romances; and the heroine, who is both a grieving, contemporary teen and an invincible rescuer of worlds." Thank you very much, Gillian Engberg. I am somewhat relieved as these reviews are based on the uncorrected galley proofs which were, in fact, a dog's breakfast. They were missing necessary italics throughout, and I was still tweaking the manuscript itself right up to the final printer's copy!
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Herbie Brennan Blog
As I mention in my personal blog, I had a wonderful lunch with Herbie Brennan (Faerie Wars, The Purple Emperor) on Friday in County Carlow. We had decided we should meet before our panel discussion at the Children's Books Ireland Summer School next month (see below). One of the results of that meeting was that I convinced Herbie to blog! You can check him out in Bloggerland by reaching his site at and clicking on the tab at the bottom of the page, or go directly to the blog at It's always a pleasure to welcome a new blogger!
Friday, April 07, 2006
At last I got my act together to organise my page for the CANSCAIP (Canadian Society of Children's Authors, Illustrators, and Performers) website -- see Thank you Peter Cook, venerable Canscaip webmaster, for making it happen. Instead of a bio, there's a little story from my childhood and it is true, no matter what Richard Scrimger says. His bio is funnier, though, so do have a look. In fact, check out the various members pages - click Members and you get the list - and have a look at what Canada has to offer.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Green Blogs
Just got my notice that this book blog has been approved for listing in the directory. The name is self-explanatory, so if you want to peruse blogs from Ireland and/or of Irish content do check them out. I'm under the categories of Art, Education, and Literature. For some reason my personal blog didn't make the grade, but there you are: many are called, but only some are chosen.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
From Charlotte Bronte
The writer who possesses the creative gift owns something of which he [she] is not always master -- something that at times strangely wills and works for itself.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Faerie War or Discussion?
For anyone in the vicinity, I will be speaking at the CBI Summer School, Saturday, May 20, 2006 at 12:00 p.m. Venue: Belvedere College. For more information see Here's the fun part. I am sharing a panel with Herbie Brennan. Now I've just started to read his Faerie Wars and I am enjoying it, but there's no question about it -- we definitely see fairies differently! The discussion should be lively. For more information about Herbie see Oh, and there will be a booksigning at 5:00 p.m. that same day.
Friday, March 17, 2006
From Don De Delillo
This was the infalling trap, the source of art's private involvement with obsession and despair, neither more nor less than the artist's self-containment, a mental state that led to storms of overwork and extended stretches of depression, that brought on indifference to life and at times the need to regurgitate it, to seek the level of expelled matter.
All fiction takes place at the end of this process of crawl, scratch and gasp, this secret memory of death.
(From Don DeLillo's Ratner's Star)
All fiction takes place at the end of this process of crawl, scratch and gasp, this secret memory of death.
(From Don DeLillo's Ratner's Star)
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Saturday, March 11, 2006

Here's a pic of the house and garden of the Tyrone Guthrie Centre ( This has been my heart's home since 1985. A very special place.
Annaghmakerrig Magic

Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Booklist Editors' Choice 2005
Saturday, February 25, 2006
The Summer King Proofs
They finally arrived, hurrah! And Fedex didn't send them to Iceland this time. That's my weekend gone as they must be checked by Monday. Will be up all night again tonight. (Don't let anyone tell you that writing is a cushy job. Well, maybe for JK.) The good news is that I am off to the Tyrone Guthrie Centre at Annaghmakerrig for a glorious week where I can work away on The Light-Bearer's Daughter while being cooked for and looked after in a beautiful old mansion overlooking a lake. Yes, it is an artist's heaven on earth: Can't wait. Now back to the galleys. Nose meet grindstone. Ouch!
Thursday, February 23, 2006
God Save Ireland
I’m reading Chaos at the Crossroads, a heartbreaking book by Frank McDonald, Environment Editor of The Irish Times, and James Nix. ( Basically it is a catalogue of the murder of Ireland by uncontrolled development, insane motorway building, unchecked pollution, and the destruction of heritage sites, all linked to political corruption and incompetence. I’m reading the book as research for the new version of The Light-Bearer’s Daughter. The original version covered the eco-warriors’ battle to protect the Glen of the Downs; a battle lost, and which soon proved to be only part of a bigger war. For even as they fought for the glen, the picturesque village of Kilmacanogue was destroyed. And now the royal demesne of Tara itself is threatened, as the gombeen government plans to run a motorway through it. (See Whenever readers abroad write to tell me that they hope to visit Ireland one day because of my descriptions of it, I die a little. For I wonder just how much of its beauty will be left when they get here.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Podcast Posted
Yes, my first ever podcast is up and running. (Janey, blogspots and podcasts. What are we like?) Here's the link if you want to hear me chatting away about love and romance in my fairy tales and in the great mythic stories of humanity: It's not easy trying to sound intelligent spontaneously (as opposed to combusting) but there is one line I am happy with: "love is one of the magical things that can happen to you on the road of life." They've also published my talk "Ancient Dreams: Myth and History in Fantasy Literature" in the same newsletter and there's a wonderful article by Brenda Sutton on the Tam Lin tale for all you fairy lovers, plus many other treats. Do have a gander.
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Bray Head
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Here's one of those little bits of magic that can happen. (There's no such thing as coincidence.) When I was at the All-Ireland Oireachtas Irish Dancing Championships last weekend, I was watching the young men's competition - incredible dancers! - and somehow ended up chatting to the mother of an American dancer. They had come all the way from California. Then I discovered that her daughter, who was also there, works at Hicklebee's ( in San Jose, one of the finest children's bookstores in the United States. If things work out, I may end up there on my tour. So far the cities scheduled are: Washington DC, New York, Chicago, Baltimore, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New Orleans, and Atlanta. I'll post the specific dates as soon as they are confirmed, but it's happening June 4 to June 25, 2006.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Toil and Trouble
I am so far behind in the rewriting of my next book, that I am practically back at the last one. In fact, I guess that is kind of true as I am still anxiously waiting to check the galley proofs of the "new and improved" American edition of The Summer King. It is due out in May and still hasn't gone to the printer yet! Meanwhile, I am foostering around with research for the new version of The Light-Bearer's Daughter. I'm reading and re-reading old fairy tales for inspiration because I want to create two of my own within the larger story. One will be The Mountain King and His Sky Bride. The other will be The Fairy Queen and Her Mortal Lover. And somehow I have to twist all three tales together like a plait. Sigh. (But I've done that before for my experimental novel, Falling Out of Time, so I should be able to do it.) The books I am reading are: Irish Fairy Tales by James Stephens (with gorgeous illustrations by Arthur Rackham), Fairy and Folk Tales of Ireland, edited by WB Yeats, Myths and Folk Tales of Ireland by Jeremiah Curtin, Síscealta ó Thír Chonaill by Seán óhEochaidh, Máire ní Néill, agus Séamas ó Catháin (as gaeilge agus bearla), A History of Irish Fairies by Carolyn White, and K.M. Briggs's The Faeries in Tradition and Literature. Got them all in the Bray library, mostly from that musty little room under the stairs and the stacks on the top floor where the old books are kept.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Mythic Podcast
Did a podcast interview on Sunday for the Mythic Journeys Conference which I will be speaking at in Atlanta, Georgia, June 7-11 during my three week tour of the USA (more about that anon as the schedule appears). As well as reading from The Hunter's Moon and The Summer King, I talked about the high romance of love stories in fantasy fiction; the hero's journey and my girl-heroes; myth as sacred truth and soul-story; how the month of May in Ireland belongs to both the Faerie Queen and the Roman Catholic Mary "Queen of the Angels, Queen of the May"; also the early legends of St Patrick which showed him as a Chief Druid; and lots more. Blathered away at some length, in fact. It was great fun. The podcast will be posted in instalments over February, March, April, and May running up to the conference itself. Check out the fabulous website where it will appear The guest list for the conference is truly amazing, with so many of my favourite writers and artists - Charles de Lint, Terri Windling, Brian and Wendy Froud, Holly Black, Robert Bly (just to name a few) - and so many others I don't know but can't wait to meet and hear such as The Weird Sisters and Tom Blue Wolf. It is going to be one incredible magic-fest!
Saturday, February 04, 2006
The Hunter's Moon

And, yes, this is our Katie letting loose her arrows in the battle against Crom Cruac.
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